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photo of The 2021 Orange Beach Billfish Classic

The 2021 Orange Beach Billfish Classic

By Rob Bowman | Posted On May 11, 2021
Updated On May 12, 2021

Join the United Yacht Sales Emerald Coast Team at the upcoming 25th annual Orange Beach Billfish Classic. The tournament begins on May 18th and runs through the 23rd with several fun events planned over the course of the week. The tournament is based out of The Wharf At Orange Beach, the same location where the Emerald Coast Group, a division of United Yacht Sales, has their main office.

"The Orange Beach Classic brings in a lot of enthusiasm into the Wharf," said Brian T. Franc, Division Manager and (CPYB) Certified Professional Yacht Broker. "It's not only a growing sportfish tournament that brings in a lot of boaters, but the impact to our local economy is great. It also gives us a chance to see many of our clients that are fishing the tournament."

United Yacht Sales Professional Broker Matt Parson, part of the Emerald Coast Division, will be fishing the tournament with his clients on board 'DEVOTION', a Viking Yachts 61 Convertible. Matt and Team DEVOTION recently fished the Louisiana Billfish Classic and took first place! Matt hopes to repeat at this feat at the Orange Beach Classic too.

Huge Catch United Yacht Sales broker Matt Parson fished with his client this week on a Viking 61’ that he helped him...

Posted by United Yacht Sales on Thursday, May 6, 2021


Did you know the Orange Beach Classic is the largest contributer to the Billfish Foundation? Its history dates back to 1996 and was created to specifically support organizations that contribute to recreational anglers in the form of conservation efforts. Primarily a Blue Marlin tournament, there are other paying categories including tuna, wahoo, and dolphin.

If you'll be at the Orange Beach Billfish Classic and want to speak with our Emerald Coast team about buying a new boat or selling your existing one, give us a call at 1-850-428-0866 or you can contact Brian via email at

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