Chris-Craft 57' 1966

$ 179,900

is a Chris-Craft 57' currently listed for sale on the market. While this boat is not currently listed with United Yacht Sales, our team is happy to work on your behalf in the research and potential sale of the vessel. Our commitment to our clients is to find the best yacht available that fits the their needs, no matter where its listed. United is a professional yacht brokerage firm that has experience listing and selling all types of Motor Yachts and similar boats.



From stern to bow this yacht was arranged as follows:

  • Varnished transom with teak swim platform and trim tabs-
  • Semi-enclosed rear\bridge deck with hardtop-
  • Lazarette hatch at transom end of rear deck provided access to rudders, fuel, and water tankage-
  • Centerline helm, down steps to starboard to main cabin-
  • Steps down from main cabin going aft led to two head compartments to starboard with a shared shower and guest cabin with two bunks to port-
  • Owners stateroom aft, full width centerline
  • Forward from main cabin down centerline steps to dinette on SB and galley to port.
  • Next forward to port was forward cabin head compartment and two bunks in the crew cabin at the bow.
  • Steps from the main cabin going forward raised to provide access to engine and generator room and machinery space- hatch access was also in the main cabin.
  • Side decks and bow deck were reached from port and starboard wing doors.
  • The flybridge was reached from a hatch and ladder to starboard thru the extended hardtop.


Lower Helm-

The centerline helm contained a 20" stainless steel and teak wheel. Steering had been converted to a Hynautide hydraulic system that appeared to be properly installed. The view

from the helm was good forward and aft. Dual Morse style speed and shift controls were present for each engine. 

Engine instruments consisted of twin tachometers with hour meters, amp meters, oil pressure gauges, water temperature gauges, and transmission oil temperature gauges. Additional gauges were at the helm for generator temperature and pressure. A 12v electrical system ammeter was at the helm.

Navigation and electronics present included a compass, depthfinder graph depth recorder, loudhailer, loran, marine radio, radar, foghorn, and auto-pilot.

Switches at the lower helm console included "on" (ok), start (ok), navigation lights (ok), anchor light (ok), binnacle, parallel solenoid, instrument lights (ok), generator start and light plant (ok), trim tabs (two rockers, ok), bilge pump (2 ok), stop switch (fuel shut-offs also at lazarette), searchlight (ok), engine alarm off (2), and one unlabeled switch. In addition to engine alarms there were four bilge pumplalarm indicator lights at both helms.


The flybridge helm was located forward and to center of the flybridge "tub". It had a single pedestal white vinyl helm seat and bench passenger sets oriented fore and aft to each side. The

wheel was a 24", six external wood spoke wheel coupled to Hynautic hydraulic stering. Shift and throttle controls were dual Morse units.

Flybridge instrumentation installed included twin tachometers, transmission oil pressure gauges, and engine oil pressure gauges. There were eight new indicator lights (four bilge pump) 

Notes from a Survey that was completed in 2006 detailing the extensive Re-fit

This 1966 57" Chris Craft Constellation motor yacht had been refurbished and personalized by

the same attentive and knowledgeable owner for many years. The vessel underwent significant work and upgrading beginning about 15 years ago so that the MAJESTIC MAIDEN met USCG requirements for a certificate for use as a local river cruise\ride boat on the St. Croix

and Mississippi Rivers. This vessel appeared to be in excellent structural condition and exterior cosmetic condition. Mechanical systems appeared to be in generally very good condition. The interior had been refurbished and redecorated during the same period.

The bottom had been completely refastened with silicon bronze screws and all deteriorated or

damaged wood in the bottom or topsides had been replaced around 1991. The bottom planks

were previously saturated with three coats of WEST System epoxy; the last two having copper

mixed with the epoxy. Since then annual work has addressed bottom planks and caulk, as needed. and the completion of the interior and its decoration.

During 2006 three planks had been re-bedded, three bottom stern transom planks were replaced, the port aft third of the waterline plank was renewed, the transom was rebuilt below the waterline and the hull sides were refinished. Al fasteners removed for inspection appeared to be in good condition and absent any significant wastage.

The port and starboard main cabin windows had been repaired and upgraded to include framing and tracks. (2005). The work had been done in a professional manner and was significant improvement over the original quality.

The aft portion of the teak bridge deck (partly enclosed) had been repaired and new decking was installed (1991). The work was of high quality. (Still in good condition, but needing some minor refinishing).

'The side and forward decks had been covered with fiberglass cloth and epoxy and painted with a white polyurethane paint. All edges or margins appeared to have been fitted and dressed as to

prevent water wicking or leaking under the deck. The quality of work inspected in 1991 was excellent. The decks were still in good condition.

Duplicate fuel tanks were reported built by a tank manufacturer to USCG specifications and installed (1991). The tanks were still in good condition.

The aft deck safety rails had been raised to 42" and the windows revised and changed to accommodate the new height. New wing doors had previously been fabricated and installed.

All work had a professional appearance. The varnished rail caps had blue canvass covers. All appeared in good condition.

The toe rails had been replaced or repaired and finished bright (1991-1995). Safety rail stanchions were re-installed and safety rail stanchions and cables had been added to the flybridge deck. They appeared to be in good condition.

The enclosed bridge deck hard top\cabin top headliner was removed and deck beams had been doubled or sistered to provide added strength for persons on the new flybridge. (1991) A perforated white vinyl headliner was installed about 1995. The cabin top/flybridge deck was in good condition.

A flybridge had been fabricated from plywood and covered with fiberglass andepoxy. Plywood in the flybridge deck (hardtop) had been replaced and the deck covered in the

fiberglass cloth and epoxy painted white. (1991-1993) The flybridge was in good condition with some minor paint cracks.

The forward cabin top had been changed from canvass to plywood with a fiberglass cloth and epoxy covering. It was painted white like the front deck. Side decks, flybridge, and hard top work was done during 1991 through 1993. The cabin top remained in good condition.

Toe rails had been repaired or replaced and finished bright (1991-1995). (Still in good condition). Blue canvass toe rail covers and rail cap covers were sewn and installed. (1995, still in good condition).

Safety rail stanchion and cables had been installed at the aft end of the flybridge deck. (1995) They appeared to be in good condition.

Al through hulls above and below the water line had seacocks installed (1993-1996). They appeared to be in good condition.

Four thousand nine hundred pounds of external lead ballast was poured into seven U-shaped cross section castings and bolted to the keel to meet USCC requirements for stability testing. (1996) The external ballast appeared to be well-fastened.

Engine room portholes were permanently plugged and sealed per U S C instructions. They remained sealed.

The port engine was rebuilt with about 5746 hours on the meter. The starboard engine was majored, to include new bearings, two pistons and cylinders, seals, and crankshaft service. Both engines had about 50 hours use since the work was completed. The engines started quickly and appeared to operate satisfactorily.

Listing MLS by


This Chris-Craft listing is a great opportunity to purchase a very nice 57' . While this listing is not actively listed with United Yacht Sales, our team would be happy to reach out to the current broker and find the history on the boat. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our team of professional yacht brokers to schedule a showing. There are many yachts listed for sale on the MLS each with a different history. We look forward to helping you complete your search for the perfect boat or yacht for sale.


United is the largest professional yacht brokerage firm in the world with over 175 yacht brokers in our network. By listing your boat or yacht for sale with us, all 150+ brokers on our team will be notified immediately which greatly increases the chances that your boat may sell before it ever even hits the market. With hundreds of used boats and yachts sold each year, there is no better team than United to help with the listing and sale of your vessel.


Buying a boat or yacht can be a daunting experience with so many available boats on the market. Let the team at United take the guesswork out of your boat search by enlisting one of our professional yacht brokers. Not only will we listen to your needs about budget, docking and storage, and how you plan on using your new boat, but we will do the research for you by looking through the MLS, researching the history of every listing, and negotiating on your behalf. From survey to acceptance, the team at United Yacht Sales is with you every step of the way.

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