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New Cabo Yachts
For Sale

As a Cabo Yachts and Hatteras dealer for the New Jersey market, United Yacht Sales is thrilled to welcome back the iconic sport fishing brand with the new Cabo 41. Stay tuned to our social media channels to get the latest news, photos, and premiere dates for the latest from Cabo Yachts.

photo of Cabo Yachts 41 Express

Express Sportfish

Speak To A Cabo Yachts Sales Professional


Cabo Yachts is an icon in the sport fishing yacht industry with some of the most popular models ever built. From the Cabo 40, the 45, and the 52, there simply was no better boat built for the hardcore angler during their production years. During the downturn, Cabo ceased production for several years leaving the pre-owned market to remain hot with limited inventory available. With the recent success of Hatteras Yachts and a strong economy, it only a matter of time before the Cabo brand would re-emerge.