United Yacht Sales Sponsors Slicker Wahoo Bimini Fishing Tournament
By Robert Bowman | Posted On Nov 23, 2024
United Yacht Sales is no stranger to sponsoring fishing tournaments. As one of the largest brokerage firms for sportfishing boats and center-consoles, it only makes sense that we are involved in several tournaments per year.
"One of the tournaments I look forward to fishing all year is the Slicker Wahoo Bimini," said Captain Greg Graham, United yacht broker and sportfish expert. "It's a really fun tournament in a great location put on by a great group of guys. It's really grown the last few years."
Greg Graham will be fishing on PISCES during the tournament, while UYS President Jeff Palmer will be fishing on an HCB 53 Suenos. Come join us for the Slicker Wahoo Bimini Tournament!
TOURNAMENT DATE: December 7th, 2024
WEIGH IN LOCATION: Bimini Big Game Club (N 25.43.570) (W79.17.754)
FISHING BOUNDARY: 110 Nautical Miles from Big Game Club
ENTRY FEE: $1,500
LINK TO SIGN UP: https://slickerbeaut.com/products/december-7th-2024-signup-today-limited-availability
- $500 - Biggest Wahoo (Winner Take All)
- $500 - 5 Wahoo Aggregate (Winner Take All)
- $2500 - Biggest Wahoo (60/40 Split)
- $2500 - 5 Wahoo Aggregate (50/30/20 Split)
- $300 - Triple Digit Wahoo (Biggest Wahoo over 100 Pounds Winner Take All)
- Electric Reels Permitted
- To make this clear the Boundary will be 110 Nautical Miles from Big Game Club.(N 25.72.648) (W79.29.655)
- 5 lines in the water max
- Must Check out with Committee prior to fishing Checkout starts at 4am.
- Video of fish when put in boat/ coordinates & time.
- Must be Visible to Bimini Big game club before 7pm December 7th
- Check out - 4am - 5:30am
- Lines in 6:45 am
- Lines out 4pm
Stay tuned to the United Yacht Sales Facebook and Instagram channels to catch the action!